Cultivating holistic health means integrating optimal choices regarding physical nourishment, mental health, and your connection with nature and with spirit, all of which will enhance your daily experience and to manifest your true self in the world.

Rising in Love is a heart-centered exchange of energy that supports all your relationships. You will find more love, understanding, compassion, and empathy. When your relationships pulse at a high vibration, they lift you up and everyone around you.

Shadow work is paying attention to all sides of yourself--the light and the dark--in order to live and grow fully as a human being. Working with the shadow sides of ourselves allows us to discover hidden gifts, as well as experience self-compassion and compassion for others. Shadow work is a vehicle for transformation so that we may contribute our whole selves to the world, not just the parts we want everyone to see. Identifying and embracing the shadow sides of ourselves allows us to live as fully-expressed human beings.

Human “being” is you being your authentic self without having to “do” anything. When we are being, we see ourselves as enough in all of our glory as well as in our imperfections. Self-acceptance is the seed for future accomplishments. When you surrender to stillness and detach yourself from the chaos of life, you make yourself available to the gifts of the present moment. You connect with a place of stillness that is also full of potential

Creativity is the ability to find your unique self-expression by tapping into the Universal Light. Supported by this source, you experience a flow of imaginative energy that enhances everything you do and shines/reverberates out into the world.

Cultivating brilliance means always learning and then allowing your wisdom to shine out into the world. The process begins with approaching the world with deep curiosity and then learning from everything that comes your way. Learning about yourself and the world brings meaning and excitement to life. Being a life-long learner enhances your resilience in the midst of all circumstances and opens new pathways to create a life of purpose.

Your true self is the part of you that connects your individual consciousness with universal consciousness. When you connect with your true self, you begin to sense a higher purpose to all things which allows empathy, compassion, spiritual strength, and love to flow. You become aware of your limitless self that guides you towards fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Your true self is the part of you that connects your individual consciousness with universal consciousness. When you connect with your true self, you begin to sense a higher purpose to all things which allows empathy, compassion, spiritual strength, and love to flow. You become aware of your limitless self that guides you towards fulfilling your life’s purpose.